Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday my tired day

It's Thursday it is most busy day of the week for me. Yeah being mommy of 2 boys. I need to fetch both kindergarten and school. Both timing are not the same, thanks to my sister-in-law is here to help. Else I would be more tired, she is tired too as nephews are here. She told me that she woke up 5am today as nephew told her by 5.3am he needs to be out from home.

I remembered my childhood days where my mom also wokeup early to wake me up. I took the school bus as early as 6am as my school is in sungai way primary school. Now there's school nearby me I am happy that son's is going that school but sad is that the school is quite pressure for all children. The exams are tough for them. I hope he can cope and continue finish his UPSR in the same school. Some of his friends have changed school because cannot take the pressure anymore.

Mother's Day gift for mommy? Read on to find out on my next post.

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